It was just recently that I received my laptop back from Harvey Norman (a computer store). After being decommissioned from it during January because of unexpected shut downs, black screens of death, and unexpected slowness of the computer in general, it was off to the doctor. And now, as I start writing this, there’s not a single thing wrong with it. Except no Norton for anti-virus spyware. Now I can sit back, and enjoy my laptop without worrying…
Except I do worry. Because of my recent laptop debacle, when we dropped of the laptop at Harvey Norman, ever since then Dad has been interested in purchasing a 3D TV. Really? Our TV not good enough? Not so, but sometimes I just wonder how much of the influence of the TV is because we really want to upgrade, or because we are pressured, that if we don’t, we’ll feel like we’re missing out on something.
Technology has expanded beyond belief. 3D TV’s out there now will soon become glass-less 3D TV’s. Pretty soon, and this is my theory, movies like Bicentennial Man, Terminator, Total Recall, Back to the Future, may have some element of truth to it, that’s how fast technology seems to be going. A laptop bought today may not even last a year (without repair). TV’s break down, DVD’s are phased out and replaced by the Blu-Ray, VCR’s stop being made… all of this technological advancement is then topped off by rumours that CD’s are going on the way out by the end of 2012!
My point to all of this? Change happens. I have been very resistant to a lot of things, keeping up with technology is one of them. It’s taken a lot of time for me to warm up to twitter, and I’m sure that if I were to sign up to facebook, I won’t be as willing to do it compared to other people. Naturally, I’m very hesitant to keep up with the times, possibly because I don’t necessarily want to let go of the things that have made my life comfortable up until now. But I have now realized that the technological sphere is how the Y and Z generation speak nowadays. Twitter, Facebook, Skype, SMS, blu-ray, laptops; this is their world. And I know that I have been very hesitant towards some of these advancements, and I worry. What if I don’t have this, or don’t have that? I must confess, I don’t have a blu-ray player, nor an iPhone, an iPad, or even a huge flat screen 3D TV (but we may…). X-BOX has released a new console, KINECT, that uses hands and arms as remotes compared to Nintendo’s Wii. And I don’t have that either.
Sometimes I think that I should keep up, but then I stop to think. These technological things, while they are great as mediums to talk to the younger generation, aren’t necessary better when it comes to the relationships that we ought to form. I’ve realized that since the technological spike of the 90s and 2000s, face to face contact has decreased. And that is sad.
After my parents almost had to force me to play Scrabble the other day, I’ve realized and treasured the relationships that we all have. Technology can either be used for good or for harm. And I guess as I finish this blog, perhaps in this paragraph or the next, let me just say that if technology is getting in the way of relationships, both with fellow man and with God, then there is a problem. If anything is in the way of our relationship with both our friends and family, and with the maker of the universe, then maybe we should take a break, re-evaluate, and think, ‘Is technology what I worship?’ Sometimes the most revelations occur in the absence of the thing that you spend the most time with.
Now, I know that yes, we’ll probably buy a blu-ray player, a 3D TV, and sign on to facebook, but I know that I am in no rush. For I know that pretty soon, there’ll be other advancements on the market. What really matters is using the technology, the talents and gifts that the Lord gave me; so that I can do the Lord’s will, no matter what. Technology will be here, and it’s not going anywhere. We as Christians need to claim this for Jesus, and influence the sector and take it back for Jesus.
Something to ponder before this blog ends. Is there anything that is holding you back from your relationships with both Jesus and your family and friends? It may be technology, but it can also be something else. Whatever the case, this needs to be dealt with before you continue your relationships that really matter. Pray about it with someone, and hopefully, the Lord with show to you what He has been showing you all along!
Until next time,
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