Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Futile Plans that we all Make

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if your life went to plan? If all your ducks lined in a row, that maybe this guy or girl would notice you, that maybe you can get this job, then everything would be grand, and just perfect? Everyone has felt that, even when we all deny it. Because we're human, it will be almost ridiculous to think that no one has had that that fleeting thought, wondered what life would be like if all your plans that you made when you were younger came into fruition. But life doesn't always go to plan, in fact, boldly I can proclaim that life never goes to plan. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't have a plan, because as everyone knows, failing to plan means planning to fail. But we as a society just needs to realise that even if our plans fail, doesn't mean that the Lord of the universe hasn't planned something special for you just around the corner.

Life wasn't meant to be easy. Life is a struggle, life is hard, and sometimes, life can be cruel. But no matter how much life brings us down, God is always there, in the thick of it, pulling us up, and leading us to what He has in store for us. And I know that it can be a struggle for us to surrender everything that we are, all our dreams, ambitions, yearnings, laments, hopes, cares, even troubles and deep dark secrets, to the creator of the universe. But He is God. Simple as that. He is God and we are not. He understands the things that we as a society will never understand. He holds everything, and everyone, in the palm of His hands.

Crazy, isn't it? How can we just surrender our whole lives to God? People would say, 'I've got this plan, I need to be married by 25, move out of home by 24, establlish a career, do x, y and z; so that I can prove myself that I am good enough!'... sound like every one of us? Sometimes the plans that we have are good and sincere, and I admire people that proclaim 'I want to be ____ ever since I was ____ years old'. But sometimes plans are comfortable. Plans are in little nice boxes. Now that's not to say that I haven't made my own plans. But I need to know that sometimes, when life happens, plans will have to change. And when that happens, I know that Jesus will be right beside me, helping me through.

You cannot see the entire picture of your life. Only because if you did, you would act differently now, always conscious of your decisions and what effect it would have on this or that, and you won't be living life to the full. And also, you're not God. And because you're not God, it's ok if things don't go to plan. Plans are good, but it's the motivation behind then that are the concern. Is it being done because of passion and longing, or out of duty and honour to either your parents, friends or those people around you that input into your life?

Jesus will ultimately know your heart. And he wants you to come, just as you are. With no agendas, no preconceived ideas, to just lay everything down at His feet and say 'I know you are in control, of everything, so I give you my life! All I want to do is what You want! Because of what You have done in my life, I know that for the rest of my days, the things of this world are temporary, and only You will remain!' This road called our lives is complex, and we may not see the whole picture. But Jesus does. He is outside time, and sees every single choice that we will ever make, and all the possible choices that we could make but didn't, and He knows all that too!

There is a line in the Casting Crowns' song 'Already There' that has struck me as awe-inspiring: From where You’re standing, Lord, You see a grand design that You imagined when You breathed me into life; and all the chaos comes together in Your hands like a masterpiece of Your picture-perfect plan. When we don't know the answers, there is a God that does. When our plans fail, He is the one that can be our comfort, and our strength. Surrender is the only thing we can do once we realise the enormity of what Christ did for us. Because " just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us..." (Romans 5:6-8). Once we can fully grasp this, then we don't need to worry if our 'plans' fail. If they fail, so what? I don't need to worry. Jesus is already on the other side, and right by my side at the same time! And if there is one thing that the Lord came to do, was to comfort the afflicted and also to afflict the comfortable. We need to be shaken up, individually, culturally, socially and as a nation. We need to lay down all our futile plans and the feet of the Cross, and say 'I know that life can be uncertain, but with You, I know that nothing is impossible!'

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