Friday, 9 December 2011

Everyone Worship's Something!

Everyone on this earth that ever lived, that are living now and are destined and ordained by God to be born and live in the future, has a purpose in their lives. The one thing that we all know that we were made to do is to worship something. No, it isn’t to make it big and famous and earn heaps of cash, live in a 5-storey mansion with a flashy Lamborghini and a sanitised pool; nor is it to be the most popular kid in school and make sure you have the most autographs on your shirt at the end of high school- because these things are superficial. They all bring meaning to your life but it is in fact momentary. Worship, however, leaves a meaning upon your life that is long lasting, that will never fade away; even when the strength of your finances falls, or the housing market. 

See, no matter what your circumstance, I personally believe that life should be lived out according to the way Jesus wanted it to be lived out, and that means, to the full, and when that happens, I reckon it is only human to grade and prioritise preferences according to various factors. You spend more time studying rather than hanging out with friends because there’s a big assessment coming up worth 20% due in a week and you haven’t started. You choose to spend quality time with your wife and children instead of working overtime at work, because you know that the time well spent is more valuable than any promotion, pay rise or new office than your boss could ever give you. Or you spend time at the beach rather than indoors on an overcast day because you enjoy the rush and the edge, making your adrenaline increase. In all of those scenarios, it is indeed clear that people value something over another, it is prioritised, and I guess it can correspond to what you treasure the most.

What is on your mind, what do you value, what can’t you live without? It might seems like I’m describing an unhealthy addiction, but in fact worshipping something is putting it at the centre of our being, at the core of our lives, the first and foremost thing that we feel as if we ought to do. Now right here right now, let me ask you a question. Think about how you spend your time, and evaluate how much is spent on the things you love. Probably more than 50%? I reckon so. Simply put, what you worship is what you value, what you constantly think about, what you want to strive for, what is of highest value on your throne of importance.

As Christians who we ought to strive to worship is Jesus Christ, as even He has said, in Matthew 6: 24, 32-34 “…you cannot be a slave of two masters; you will hate one and love the other; you will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. This is why I tell you: do not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. After all, isn’t life worth more than food? And isn’t the body worth more than clothes? ...these are the things pagans are always concerned about…instead be concerned above everything else with the kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and he will provide you with all these things…”

Going back to the crux and what I believe is the most important aspect of Christianity, there is no better feeling in the world that I can honestly put my finger on that correlates with the feeling of placing your life in the hands of the One who made the cosmos and moulded the very fibres of our being. Jesus Christ, the Son of God came down to earth to die on a cross for mankind so that we can believe and know Him in a personal way and become saved from eternal separation from God, is worthy of being worshipped, is worthy of all of our praise and adoration, because he chose to become the sacrifice for mankind and offer up His life. I guess many Christians do not dwell upon this fact as much as each one of them should, but let me tell you this. Jesus was selfless, thinking of others and the chance they’d get of receiving salvation, but that could only happen if someone stepped in and took everyone’s place. Think about it...would you die for someone close? Probably your parents or your spouse or children, but anyone outside of immediate family may be a dead set no-no. And why? Because they haven’t done anything for you in return, anything worthy of dying for. In this society of me-centred stories and egotistical plots concerning no one but yourself, we all fall into the trap of ‘why should I give up my time and money and my effort, when he (or she) has stabbed me in the back, or hasn’t appreciated it in the past and won’t in the future, or we don’t even know each other’ because we will not give way and compromise for any random stranger.

But God gave his life for humanity, for everyone...regardless if they join ‘the Story of God’ or not (but God’s heart beats for a grandiose story where everyone does join...) and that’s what makes the never-ending story unique and like no other (besides the fact that it has no beginning and no end). It doesn’t matter where you’ve gone, what’ve you done and what state you’re in when you come to God, He will still accept you as His child, stretching out His arms and offering the blood of Jesus Christ to wipe your slate clean and give you a second chance. Not that we are deserving of this chance, far from it, but Jesus has bridged the gap. And that’s why we can worship Him and He should be the ultimate desire on our hearts and lips to be worshipped. 

But even after the first time you've accepted Christ and started to worship Him, temptations do arise and before you know it, God’s story is now MY STORY and ‘story’ resonates no meaning inside you anymore. But God can change it all. Thought about the footprints in sand story? That’s exactly what Jesus Christ does for us, when Satan tries to destroy us in any way possible and tries to redirect our centre of worship and the main character of The Story, God is there, carrying us through it all. The storms as well as the triumphs. Because that is what life is- a package of good and bad. While at times you may think God is great, at times you may think you are the main act. Because that is what we call human nature. But that’s ok, because God has paid the price. He has redeemed us and no matter what we do in this life, if you accept Jesus Christ and accept His invitation to join the bigger and better Story, unlike the somewhat twisted Aesop’s Fables that have theoretical applications but hardly any practical implications, you will feel freer than almost anyone else who’s devoted to any other form of worship. There is a sense of satisfaction when God is worshipped than any other person or object. This is because when you are trying to make yourself great, you will never live up to your expectations. You will always fail. But there is good news. The revelation God has placed on each man’s heart, regardless if they are a Christian or not, regardless if they intentionally turn away or not, never goes away. We are all searching for something and believe me, we can find it not in making ourselves ‘great’ through what we wear or listen to that is fashionable, but in the God-centred story and the worship found in Him, the freedom of living life with no regrets and knowing that God will carry us no matter where we go, even if we’re on lofty peaks, or to hell and back- God will always remind us that it is his name that is ought to be made great.

I hope you can find out what it is you worship. Maybe have a heart-to-heart with God. Sit on this, pray a bit. But let us be reminded this Christmas season that God has invited us into a never ending story, and it is our choice to consciously everyday step into it and live it out. God has never said that this life will be comfortable, easy and breezing. Jesus came to Earth to comfort the afflicted, however He also came to afflict the comfortable.

And to leave us on this note, let me quote Louie Giglio, from his book, 'The Air I Breathe'- Worship is simply about value. The simplest definition I can give is this: Worship is our response to what we value most. That’s why worship is the thing we all do. It’s what we’re all about on any given day. Because worship is about saying, ‘This person, this thing, this experience (this whatever) is what matters most to me, it’s the thing I put first in my life.’ That ‘thing’ might be a relationship, a dream, friends, status, stuff, a name, some kind of pleasure, whatever name you put on it, this thing or person is what you’ve concluded in your heart is worth most to you. And whatever is worth most to you is-you guessed it-what you worship.

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