Looking at my blog when I came back from church was a very scary thing- seeing how many comments each post had. I looked...and there was nothing. I sighed, then thought to myself, 'is that why I do this, to get comments on posts?' Because if that and only that is my motivation, then I should stop now. Like my motivation of starting and maintaining this blog, everyone should know the real reason of why they do what they do. Really going to the core. When everything is stripped away, we ask ourselves- why? For money? For fame? To be liked?
Sometimes we may all think that all we're doing is just going through the motions of this life. I'm sure everyone has been there. Thinking, late at night, trying to get to sleep, but can't. Thinking, maybe about tomorrow's assignment that needs to be handed in, or what happened today that 'didn't really go to plan'. Whatever you're 'thinking' about, I'm sure you've had this thought cross your mind- am I really alive, making a difference in my community, or am I just living on auto-pilot, going through each day, thinking, 'When will this ever end?' What we really need to do is just to find something that we're good at. Everyone is good at something, even when others tell us otherwise.
What are you good at? What is it that you enjoy, that you can do hours upon hours on end and not get bored? What is it that you value out of life? Name one thing you cannot live without, and I mean cannot live without... and also, ever catch yourself trying to make your friends like the same stuff and hobbies that you like, so that you’ll be ‘better’ and ‘tighter’ friends that share more in common? And what topic is it at the dinner table that makes your blood boil and you can just give an opinion about it straightaway, without question, and you can rave on about it for as long as your hearts content?
All these questions do need to be answered if we want to know what we're good at, what we're passionate about. We need to talk to those around us, our family, trusted friends; to seek their input about where they think our calling in life should be.
However, no matter what we do in life, sometimes we can all feel that we can never measure up to standards, either set by ourselves, or by others, especially our parents. If we don't do well in a test at school or university, we'll immediately think, subconsciously or not, 'would my parents still love me if...' But let me just say that we are more than all of this. We are more than what we do. Sure, we need to find something that we love to do, whether it is blogging, building things, or cooking; but even then, if our self-worth is tied up in these things, every time we fail to impress others or ourselves, we'll beat ourselves up and say that we're not good enough.
But the truth is exactly the opposite. We are more than our failures, our mistakes and our past events. What we do doesn't define who we are. That is not how we should measure ourselves. Rather, we are loved unconditionally, by our parents, our friends, those around us who can speak into our lives, share their experiences, and in turn, our lives can be turned around for the better.
When you go about the rest of the day, think about the thing that you like to do, hours on end without being bored. Chances are, that’s what you’re called to do. So over the next day or so, find someone within your sphere of influence that you can help and encourage. Share in the comments below. See all of you soon.
One of your pragraphs reminds me of a song by Tenth Avenue North called You are More(maybe you know it?) www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwtcwQwgdsA theres the link for it. Your right about everything you said here, keep posting, i'll keep reading, I love your blogs!