There will probably be a moment in everyone's life where you start to think, 'Maybe it is just easier to follow everyone else.' Not to the point where you start to question your own faith but rather to the point of, 'Gee, people around me are doing x, y and z; I'm only doing this; let's see what all the fuss is about. But here's the issue here. Sometimes it's good, in fact, I think, it's encouraged; to not only live life to the full, the one life that we all keep thinking is two or three; but to live it knowing your convicitions, what you believe; and sticking by it, even if it means you're running the other way as the norm in society.
That shouldn't be a bad thing. If we believe something, and others do not, we need to know why. There are a few songs that speak about this, and I'd like to share it briefly. One is a popular song by Switchfoot, called Meant to Live. I'm sure you guys all know this song, know the lyrics off by heart, but let me dissect the song a little bit.
The chorus is the part that really struck out for me- We were meant to live for so much more, have we lost ourselves? Somewhere we live inside... This line is definitely true of every situation everyone has. We are meant to live for more than the things on this earth. It's in our DNA to yearn for something more than the things that we don't take with us beyond the grave. And to follow Christopher Hitchens and boldly outright claim that after death is nothing is to deny the soul of something that has been there from the very start. Everyone is searching for something. And like the song says, We want more than this world's got to offer...And everything inside screams for second life. We are curious about what's beyond the grave. Life would be meaningless if it is just this life. But in our heart of hearts, possibly in everyone's heart, we know that after the grave is only the beginning.
Everyone is searching for the void to fill us. They search in drugs, sex, rock and roll, alcohol, anything they can get their hands on. But when they are suggested, 'Hey, why don't you try out Jesus? He'll solve everything!' They start to think, 'No Way! I've had so much trouble with the Jesus though...' Why is it that all around the world, people love Jesus, but hate the church? They see Jesus as a prophet, but as the Son of God? The Saviour of the World? The Alpha and Omega? That is a different story for most of the world.
That doesn't mean that Christians (myself included) should feel like we need to conform to society when it comes to our eternal destiny. We shouldn't, however, we need to sit down with the people we come into contact each day, and just talk with them, and to listen to their hearts. We need to break out of the mold that the world tries to put us in, to say that Christians are 'judgemental'. Why do people come up with that thought? Because sometimes Christians are like that.
As I finish off this blog, I'm sure you have a lot to discuss about. Regardless of whether we are Christians or not, we are all searching for something. Some have found it in their job, their money, others have just found it in the maker of the universe. Let me pose to you, who do you think Jesus is? Son of God? Saviour of all mankind?
As for me, this is what I believe: Jesus did come to save the world. He died upon a cross and set people free from sin and death. All I have to do is to just believe into that. I am free because I've already been accepted. I don't need to do more, or try harder, to get to God- I live life out of the mentality that I don't need to earn my salvation...I am a stranger on Earth, because I know that this world not my home, so therefore I am an outcast.
The journey of life isn't meant to be smooth sailing. There are questions that need to be asked, answers that need to be sought after. We need to start thinking about eternity and what happens, because it applies more to us that we think. We are meant to live beyond this life.
Hope you do enjoy the videos I've posted (these are the first...).
As you watch these two videos and mull over them, and what I've just said, feel free to comment below.
See you guys soon.
From Jon.
Hi Jonathan, this is a great blog that you have set up :) I enjoy reading and thinking about questions you raise and references to the song lyrics. I hope that more people can read it and make comments over time.