Sunday, 20 November 2011


I've recently joined twitter. Just today. It is so addictive.

These three short sentences are those that define the modern generation. Facebook and twitter have revolutionalised how we communicate, who we communicate to, and what we communicate about. As I've recently joined twitter, I can see how even I can get lulled into the mentality of 'following people' (having friends on facebook), or keeping track of how many people are 'following' you (who likes your page on facebook). If you eventually get all worked up about who responds to your twitter message, and worry about how many followers that you have on twitter, then you might as well deactivate your account. Twitter can be fun, but it can also show us things that we're not willing to admit about ourselves. We desperately want people to 'follow' us, like we've got something to share that should be heard...

But we do have something to share, God did place in our hearts things that only we can accomplish. But facebook and twitter have led us to indulge in the competition of who can get more 'followers' and 'followings', a competition that, if not realised, controlled and managed, can spiral out of control, and we can become someone who is self absorbed, worried about every tweet that comes through the pipeline. Twitter is just a vessel for our thoughts to get out there, not the end result.

We all know why we're here, to shine a light for Jesus. And, dare I say it, facebook and twitter can be used to do so. Not in an outright way, but subtly. We need to embrace the technological change, not too quickly, but not too slowly either, but knowing that the changes that are coming can be used, even by God, to His glory.

Going to finish soon- I've got twitter on the other tab.

Just something to think about- have you ever shared the gospel via twitter or facebook? What were the results?

Until the next blog, Jon.


  1. Testing testing 1, 2, 3, I'm practising my commenting skills. I saw it didn't take long for you and Joshua to get into twitter, I thought you might have about four posts each since it's only been about a week but there are hundreds!

  2. Just saying, I've seen and had many really intense discussions on Facebook regarding Christianity. It's actually a fairly effective platform for thought-provoking discussion, since you have heaps of time to really think before you post - something not necessarily always attainable in a face-to-face discussion...
